Rootstocks Explained
M25 – Very vigorous. Up to 5m high.
Grow as full or half standard. Ideal in poorer soil in exposed sites. Space trees 7-10m apart.
MM111 – Vigorous. Up to 4m high.
Grow as standard or half standard. Tolerates wet ground and has good disease resistance. Space trees 6-10m apart.
MM106 – Semi vigorous. Up to 4m high.
Good for half standards, espaliers, cordons. Space half standards 3-6m apart.
M116 – Medium. Up to 3m high.
10% less vigour than MM106. Space trees 3-6m apart.
M26 – Semi dwarf. Up to 3m high.
Requires staking. Used for bush trees and cordons. Space bush trees 2-4m apart.
M9 – Dwarf. Up to 2.5m high.
Needs permanent staking. Makes good bush and cordons. Space bushes 2m apart.
M111/M9 – Dwarf. Up to 2.5m high.
A combination of a vigorous rootstock and a dwarfing rootstock.
Doesn’t need permanent staking.
It produces a tree with a strong root system that is suited to poorer and wetter soils than any other rootstock, yet still allows for a small tree.
This combination of MM111 with an M9 interstem is ideal for more marginal growing areas where a small tree is required.
Due to the extra work involved, these trees sell for £24. Pre ordering a season or two beforehand is recommended.
Colt – Semi vigorous. Up to 3.5m high.
Space trees 4-5m apart.
Gisela 5 – Dwarfing. Up to 3m high.
Space trees 3-4m apart.
Quince A – Semi vigorous.
Good for half standards, bush and espalier. Space half standards 4-6m apart.
Kirchensaller – Very vigorous
Good for standard trees
Plums and Damons
Brompton – Very vigorous. Up to 5m high.
Ideal for standards. Space trees 7-10m apart.
St Julian A – Semi vigorous. Up to 3.5m high.
Space trees 4-6m apart.
How to Order Trees
Visit our shop page to order from our remaining 2023 nursery stock.
Planning ahead? Get in touch to enquire and pre-order particular varieties for Winter ’23/’24
Fruit Tree Map
Click here to see a map of where my fruit trees are sourced from along the Welsh border.