Tom theAppleMan

Organic Fruit Tree Nursery

Receiving Trees

Our trees are grown directly in the soil, not in containers. This is known as ‘bare root trees’.

They are lifted in the dormant season, from November –March.

Trees be can either collected in person by arrangement or sent by courier.

Trees sent by courier will be packaged in such a way as to keep their roots moist and fresh.

Upon receiving the trees, they can be kept in their packaging for 3-4 days in a cool but frost free environment.

If they need to be kept longer before being planted out they need to be ‘heeled in’.

Dig a hole into well drained soil, slightly larger than the rootball. Place the roots in the hole and ensure they are well covered with soil and gently firm down.

It is essential that the roots don’t dry out at all.

Trees can be kept like this throughout the dormant season but they must be planted in their final position before the end of the dormant season.


How to Order Trees

Visit our shop page to order from our remaining 2023 nursery stock.

Planning ahead? Get in touch to enquire and pre-order particular varieties for Winter ’23/’24

Fruit Tree Map

Click here to see a map of where my fruit trees are sourced from along the Welsh border.