Tom theAppleMan

Organic Fruit Tree Nursery


Planning a new orchard correctly from the outset has many benefits including ensuring continued healthy tree growth, maximising your yield, and efficient ongoing management.

Assessing your site, soil, aspect, choice of varieties, rootstocks and tree forms beforehand will ensure your orchard is given the best possible start.

We can assist with the planning of new orchards from assessing the land (including pH testing and nutrient testing) to designing the layout and choosing the right varieties to suit your needs and the requirements of the land.

Applying the principals of sustainable agroforestry and permaculture, we have a holistic view of land use management.

There are many different ways to grow trees. We believe that growing in a healthy, well-fed organic soil, creating a biodiverse environment to promote organic pest management and selecting the right varieties and rootstocks to reduce the risk of disease build-up is the best approach to establishing an orchard that will thrive without the need for chemical inputs?

Other Services:




Propagation Services


How to Order Trees

Visit our shop page to order from our remaining 2023 nursery stock.

Planning ahead? Get in touch to enquire and pre-order particular varieties for Winter ’23/’24

Fruit Tree Map

Click here to see a map of where my fruit trees are sourced from along the Welsh border.